96 Greers
From horror franchises, to rom-coms, to the Christmas movie where Michael Shannon pretends to be Bigfoot, America’s Best Friend Judy Greer’s prolific film career spans almost 30 years. Join Barry Linn (they/them) and Patrick Ripoll (he/him) as they podcast through her filmography, one movie at a time. Theme song: ”96 Tears” written by Rudy Martinez, performed by Barry Linn and Patrick Ripoll

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
The Summer of Greer marches on, hurrah hurrah! Another mid-2010s big budget action movie, another underwritten mom role for Judy Greer. Reg and Patrick have the dubious honor of digging into the MCU with 2015's Ant-Man. Gabe Powers from Genre Grinder makes a special appearance as the wise comic book expert who provides the necessary exposition for our adventure searching for traces of the lost director (Edgar Wright), remembering the ants of our childhoods, and getting horny for entomologists. Excelsior!

Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Fun fact: this is the third movie we have covered so far where Judy Greer plays a Karen. Not a Karen-Karen, just a mom named Karen. Well, she might be a Karen-Karen; we don't get enough information about her, for all we know there's a version of the script out there where she's writing a hate-filled screed on Facebook about transgender GMO dinosaurs. And why would Karen be writing a hate-filled screed about transgender GMO dinosaurs if she is, in fact, a Karen-Karen? Because we're jumping on the Nostalgia Express and heading back to Isla Nublar for Jurassic World, baby!

Wednesday Jun 26, 2024
Wednesday Jun 26, 2024
The year was 2015, and Judy Greer's film career saw her journeying through the Land of Big-Budget Franchise Movies. Reg and Patrick are setting the air conditioner on high and expectations on low for a mini-series we are calling The Summer of Greer.
Brad Bird's theme-park-turned-two-hour-family-friendly-action film Tomorrowland taught that scientific ingenuity and gumption are the key to solving pretty much any problem. So Reg and Patrick invented a special high-powered microscope to be able to observe Judy Greer's performance. Luckily, there are plot holes to puzzle over, disagreeable politics to sneer at, and prepositions to end sentences with.

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
We did it again! But... wait. Did we? What if we didn't? What if we did something else? What if we did something so long ago that, sitting here today, I can't even remember the names of one of the things, but we pretended like it was just done yesterday? And what if Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was set in a dystopian future and the main character was a magic DJ in an underground rave culture/resistance movement? because that's the strongest memory I have of the Entourage movie, and I fucking had to watch the fucking Entourage movie for this bonus episode.
But this cloud has several silver linings, however, in the form of guest appearances from friends of the podcast! *airhorn* Special thanks to Bill Ackerman, Jessica Conger-Henry, Louisa Herron, Gabe Powers, Klon Waldrip, and "Stone Cold" Jim Laczkowski!

Wednesday May 15, 2024
Wednesday May 15, 2024
Choo-choo movie nerds, The 15:17 to Paris is leaving the station! Legit question for listening Americans: how do Reg and Patrick abide the 88-94 year old director who fills their TV with 94 minutes of military propaganda while their small audience awaits their opinions? Can a mostly forgotten Trump-era Clint Eastwood movie share anything in common with Iranian New Wave cinema? How does Judy Greer fare with Eastwood's reportedly breakneck production speed? Does the kid who sat next to you in your sophomore year computer class make for a good action film protagonist? We're doing our own research into mysterious screenwriters, MTV reality shows, and what really goes on when Americans go on vacation to Amsterdam, on the latest episode of 96 GREERS!

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Our wife told us not to record this podcast. But Reg and Patrick are back to offend everyone and ask the tough questions about BARRY MUNDAY, a typical Boy-Loses-Testicles-and-Forgets-He-Met-Girl comedy, such as:
Has there ever been an actually funny scene set at a support group?
Will 96 Greers become a Patrick Wilson fancast?
Can one third of the screenwriting team behind Rock of Ages successfully channel the universal unconscious and tap into the ur-myth of the hero's journey?
All of this, plus an unnecessarily long Other Segment, awaits your ears!

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
In February, we asked a deeply inane question: What Do Women Want? In March, we asked an even more inane question: What Do Children Want? Two dozen episodes into Judy Greer's filmography, and we have yet to cover a work aimed specifically at children (unless you count Rusty's Learning to Listen: Part 8). As a pair of childless film snobs who find themselves out to sea, we dip our toes into the family move genre with the latest film from singular Irish animation studio Cartoon Saloon (The Secret of Kells, The Breadwinner), delve into diverting interpretations of the story, and go off the deep end with celebrity voice performances. What you are about to listen to is not a news broadcast.

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
STOP! Are you aware that you are currently on the Internet? When's the last time you even looked up from that screen? Are you even aware what's happening to The Children? Or maybe you yourself are so enthralled by this terrible technology that you are already lost in the dark labyrinth of mild BDSM fantasies, horny housewives in baggy sweaters, photos of skinny white girls, photos of skinny white girls in WIGS, and Carl Sagan. Prepare yourself for 2014 metalinear moral panic drama Men, Women, and Children, which uncovers the horrible things that can happen when Jason Reitman gets behind a camera without Diablo Cody providing appropriate supervision.
Content notes: suicide/depression, eating disorders, child abuse, addiction

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Join Reg and Patrick as they live, laugh, and love through the Nancy Meyers written and directed rom-com What Women Want. What do women want: a living wage, professional relationships built on mutual respect, and bodily autonomy? Maybe, but have you considered: Mel Gibson? Reg and Patrick have, because he's the protagonist of this movie! They didn't have a choice.
Content note: suicidal ideation

Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
Prepare your earholes, because 96 Greers is coming in hot with a Lemon party. Reg and Patrick bare it all: their feelings on 2017 dark comedy Lemon, director Janicza Bravo's other work (including 2020 Twitter-plotted sensation Zola), and the use of unlikable characters and cringey situations to create comedy. After exploring multiple positions, the Other Segment finds them spitting and swallowing with a lemon-flavored taste test. Don't miss this episode-- after all, we're not getting any younger!