96 Greers
From horror franchises, to rom-coms, to the Christmas movie where Michael Shannon pretends to be Bigfoot, America’s Best Friend Judy Greer’s prolific film career spans almost 30 years. Join Barry Linn (they/them) and Patrick Ripoll (he/him) as they podcast through her filmography, one movie at a time. Theme song: ”96 Tears” written by Rudy Martinez, performed by Barry Linn and Patrick Ripoll

4 days ago
4 days ago
Richard Linklater is a beloved American auteur with a heart as big as his Texas homeland and a colorful Boomer childhood (that almost assuredly included experimenting with psychedelics) to influence the stories he tells. So it stands to reason that he would be the ideal writer/director for a film adaptation of a novel about a Los Angeles vanguard architect turned Seattle stay-at-home mom played by iconic ice queen Cate Blanchett-- and not a single frame of it Rotoscoped. This film left us with so many questions: why is the title question answered in the first scene? Can you accurately diagnose a mental health condition based on interior design? And is there another character actor who rivals our affections for Judy Greer?

Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Zig-a-zig ha, cinephiles! We're rolling back to 1997-- or at least, we're rolling back to 2010 rolling back to 1997, with Love and Other Drugs! Anne Hathaway, Jake Gyllenhaal, the director of Glory and The Last Samurai? That's the best trio since romcoms where two prickly assholes shack up, social issue dramas that assign blame to nobody, and raunchy sex comedies about boner pills! Patrick presents a unified theory of Judy Greer attractiveness and Barry (fka Reg) finds a way to shoehorn in a discussion of a favorite arthouse director. Yeah baby!

Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
This episode of 96 Greers is notable for documenting a moment in time when TikTok the Gray had died, but had not yet made its dramatic return as TikTok the [tool of] White [supremacy]. It's also notable as fan service for anyone who may fondly remember the episodes of Director's Club where Barry helped out with the song parodies (and by anyone, we mean Jim). It is not notable for the movie that we covered, American Dreamz, a comedy-flavored film legally distinct from satire. But you should still listen to it!

Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
It's 2025, whether we like it or not! And as the old saying goes: new year, new Greer. Patrick and Barry (fka Reg) are stroking their beards and nodding seriously at the Adam Goldberg-directed I Love Your Work. This dark tale of Hollywood delirium may be the closest that we get to being able to discuss a Hitchcock movie on this podcast. Or David Lynch. Or Jacques Demy. It's a whole lot. Other layers of reality in this episode include overly-transparent merchandise strategizing, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, and Patrick's least-favorite euphemism for a body part.
(CW emetophobia)

Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
We got Christmas out of the way early with our last episode, now we're on to the next big holiday that speaks to what really matters in This Country: mid-season pilots! Reg and Patrick focus test The TV Set, a 2006 film by the guy who made Red One. Will they feel comforted by over-the-top performances and stock characters, or intimidated and annoyed by sardonic humor that definitely isn't satire? Stick around for David Duchovny nostalgia boners, blatant stealing from smarter podcasts, and an Other Segment that's literally side-splitting.

Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
Yes, it's mid-November 2024 and we are covering a "faith-based" movie. No, we don't talk about the election. Yes, "faith" is a euphemism for Christian. No, we haven't been "saved." Yes, my use of quotation marks around "saved" is meant to be sarcastic. No, I'm not playing an ad hoc improv game with myself in the description field of my podcast, why do you ask. Yes, we talk about Judy Greer a lot.
Here is the whole album of this episode's festive holiday music, if your curiosity hasn't been satisfied.

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
It's Halloween Kills, and everyone is entitled to one good podcast. Or something. We've waited a whole year to return to Haddonfield for the 2021 legasequel sequel to 2018's Halloween, the legasequel to Halloween. We talk comparisons to another big-name legasequel trilogy and discover that we see a lot of ourselves in some of Michael Myers' victims.
Who did the better Loomis impression? Our contact deets are at the end of every episode!

Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Don't turn out the light, listener, because you're about to hear (a plot summary and criticism of) a G-G-G-Ghost Story! From the twisted mind of Justin Long-- yes, the guy who played relatable nerds in 00s comedies and also got turned into a manwalrus in that one movie-- comes a harrowing tale from the land of Tampa, Florida! It’s Lady of the Manor, a stoner-buddy-spooky comedy. Like any good mystery, Reg and Patrick have more questions than answers for this one. Question #1: Would a loving God allow you listen to this episode? Answer: probably!

Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Reg and Patrick make a podcast, and in this episode, they're getting deep inside The Amateurs. This "indie" comedy about a small town group of slackers who decide to make a porno features some red hot meta-humor and an orgy of acting talent, and you know Judy Greer is right there among them. After this scintillating conversation, don't be surprised if you find yourself searching "babaloos" on RedTube, or at least doing a little reflection on your moral responsibility to public health. Rowr!

Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
The Summer of Greer has one more episode before we move onto the First Day of School of Greer. Is it another installment in a sprawling sci-fi franchise? Yes. Is JG a mom? Yes. Does she, as we hoped, get the best role we're see all summer? What I can tell you is that "A Fish Called Selma" is the nineteenth episode of the decent season of The Simpsons. Summer days, drifting away, but oh! Those rebellious apes!